Kalahari Red Goats for Sale 50 – 60kg


Kalahari Red Goats for Sale 50 – 60kg

Kalahari Red is a red, medium- to large-framed lob-eared meat goat. It has a fine head, round horns bent backwards, and a loose, supple skin with folds (prominent in rams).


Kalahari Red Goats for Sale 50 – 60kg

Kalahari Red is a red, medium- to large-framed lob-eared meat goat. It has a fine head, round horns bent backwards, and a loose, supple skin with folds (prominent in rams).

The ewe must be feminine, wedging slightly to the front. The ram is heavier in the head, neck and forequarters.

The ideal is a brown goat with colour shadings that range from light brown to dark brown. It has a well-pigmented, smooth, short hair coat.
Production norms

Age at first breeding: six months;
100-day weaning weight of ram kids: 25kg;
100-day weaning weight of ewe kids: 21kg;
Mature weight ewes: 75kg. The meat is tender, tasty and low fat at a young age. The quality of the skin is excellent, a value-added trait.


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